Strengthen and protect your own employer image. Future-proof.

We rethink employer branding for you as an attractive employer.


We make you more visible and better known as an employer.

The reputation of your company in the public eye,
the attraction to job-interested applicants,
should always be promoted in a positive way.

By including your company in one of our Æ recommendation lists and
displaying it publicly, we make a valuable contribution 
to positively
strengthening and protecting your employer brand.

Our Æ recommendation lists are promoted via numerous, reputable communication channels.

Publication on our website is free of charge.

The use of our Æ logo is permitted free of charge.

We will keep you up to date on additional free marketing services
via Æ Newsletter.

Focus on quality

Selected companies als recommended via the Æ community.

We recommend companies that enjoy a positive reputation as employers and stand for ensuring the following values:

› appreciation,
› planning security,
› future prospects,
› loyalty

Exclusivity through limitation and
a closed community

Example: Corporate landscape in Germany:
In Germany, there are over 3 million companies subject to sales tax, the majority of which undoubtedly see themselves as “attractive employers” and work to create a positive employer image.

However, our mission is not to present the largest possible number of companies per sector online. Instead, we want to offer job seekers high-quality guidance with our Æ recommendation lists.

We currently only recognize 2,100 companies in Germany as truly attractive employers. The inclusion of a company in our Æ recommendation list is exclusively at the invitation of our team - provided there is a vacancy available. When selecting suitable companies, we work closely with selected partners who support us in the careful assessment process.

Recommendation results at a glance

Unique selling points, among others:

› web design (#Usability)
   + display of employers in alphabetical order

› request appointment with HR department function,
  #Inbound Recruiting

feedback on attractiveness function

Quality management and fair rules

› interested applicants are regularly asked about their experiences
  with the 
Æ Community. 

› should you decide to end your involvement as an employer in the
Æ Community or we will terminate your access, we will manage
  this process fairly and professionally. 
Once you have left the
  Æ Community, you remain excluded 

How we start together

The Æ Team invites your company to participate in the Æ Community. We provide information on how and under what conditions we can include your company in a Æ recommendation list.
Recommend your own company now and receive an offer >

Take the opportunity now to advance your company and
be recommended as a leading employer in your sector. Set yourself apart from the competition!
